Why I Won't Vote For Hillary

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Here are some of the reasons I won't vote for Hillary Clinton. Feel free to contact me if you think I'm being unfair.

1. She says she is ready to lead from day 1, but what elected office has SHE held before becoming a NY Senator? Has she ever answered the Batphone?
2. After Bill's time as president was over (actually during the last bit of his presidency) she shopped around for a place to become a senator. I'm convinced that even back in 2000 she wanted to run for president, so she mapped it all backward from there and then moved to NY so she could run for a senator position which would eventually allow her to make a run for the presidency, which is where we are today.
3. If she wins, we really won't know who is in control of the presidency, her or Bill.
4. She and Bill have made more than $109 M since 2000 (link). I highly doubt she is looking out for the little guy.
5. She has a lot of baggage in the form of Monica Lewinsky, White Water, etc... (mostly Bill's fault).
6. She's divisive, I don't think she can bring the country together.
7. She is against NAFTA, and we don't need to go backwards any more than we already have.
8. Her "Save Our Homes" program is unrealistic and she is pandering to people that got bad mortgages.
9. She panders to Unions which, in my opinion, are hurting themselves (see the auto and airline industries).
10. Doublespeak -> taken from this page on her own webiste.

"She opposes a guest worker program that exploits workers and creates a supply of cheap labor that undermines the wages of U.S. workers. Hillary believes all workers deserve safe conditions and decent wages. She supports an Ag Jobs program, which will keep our agricultural industry vibrant while enabling agricultural workers to receive the fair wages and labor protections they ought to receive."

ok, so she opposes a guest worker program, but supports an Ag Jobs program, which is what, a guest worker program...

So if you support her, I'd like to know why. What great ideas does she have?

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