July 18, 2006


As we were leaving the Eastern Sierras we stopped off at the Hot Creek Hatchery so that Tom and Timber could check out the fish. On our way down a dirt road to the hatcher we came across a cow crossing the road. I had never seen a cow before, but I got really excited. I growled and barked at it and couldn't wait to get out of the car to run after it. Luckily for the cow Tom would not let me out of the truck when I tried to jump out the window. Later on in the day when we were driving through the central valley I saw some more cows and tried to jump out the window again. Tom got really mad this time and grabbed me by the scruff of my neck, held me to make sure I couldn't get out of the truck (that was driving 55 mpg at the time), and then pushed me back to the back of the cab. I just can't help myself sometimes, I LOVE cows.

Posted by troutm8 at July 18, 2006 12:33 PM
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