October 09, 2005

A Decision Has Been Made

We went to the Vespa dealership yesterday and took the GT and PX150 for a test drive. I was a little nervous for a few reasons. First, I don't have much experience on motorized two wheeled vehicles, so I was hoping that they wouldn't be too hard to deal with. Secondly, I knew that after we did the test drive it would be time to decide pretty much once and for all if we were going to go forward with this thing. Timber and I borrowed helmets from the dealer and went outside to one of the side streets and started the process. First we learned how to put the GT on the stand and take it off of the stand, then we learned how to turn it on, and then we learned hot to get going and stop. After doing those things for a few minutes we started to drive it up and down the street. I enjoyed the ride. The GT wasn't as dinky as I feared it may be and it was very easy to ride. And I know this sounds weird, but it was fun, even on the side street. After we finished with the GT we tried out the LX. I couldn't tell much difference in the acceleration because I never really opened up either of them, but I think I was little more comfortable on scooters by the time I got to the LX and it was also fun to drive. I do have to say that I liked the GT better. After we finished with the LX we pretty much decided to go ahead with the GT. So we went back inside, picked out helmets, and worked out a deal for everything. We are planning to go back today (10/9) and pick it up. I have to figure out a route home from the dealership without taking the highway. I'm a little nervous about the long ride home with the GT but I think it is going to be a lot of fun.

Posted by troutm8 at October 9, 2005 09:23 AM
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