April 02, 2008

Pinnacles National Monument

On Sunday, to top off doing a 17 mile bike ride on Saturday Timber, Tom J, Dan, and me all went for a roughly 10 mile hike at Pinnacles National Monument, about 70 miles or so south of San Jose. It was one of the last days that the caves were open, so we made sure to do the hike in March. It was a cold and misty day for the most part, but the sun did peak out toward the end. Overall it was a nice hike and I would recommend doing a hike at Pinnacles in the spring or fall but not the summer because it can get really hot there. There are also lots of crags and spires for most rock climbers to enjoy Pinnacles as well. Here's a link to the pictures I took.

Posted by troutm8 at April 2, 2008 12:14 AM