April 18, 2007

What Are They Thinking?

Ok, read this article, and for item #2 please explain to me what the author was thinking. In case you're lazy like most of us I'll tell you what they say. The article is about four ways to make a bad job good. Item #2 advises the reader to "Decrease your commute time by moving closer to work.". Uh, excuse me? If I have a bad job, I can make it less crappy by moving closer to it? I can understand that if the title of the article is "Four Ways to Improve Your Commute" but really, what ever happened to the simple advice of "If you have a bad job, leave that job for a better one.". It is simple yet effective. Maybe I'm missing something or I'm too simple minded but that's what my advice would be.

Posted by troutm8 at April 18, 2007 04:53 PM