February 22, 2007

San Jose Leg Photos Posted

I posted the photos that Timber and I took (actually the best photos) yesterday while we watched the San Jose leg of the Amgen Tour of California. In most scenarios when I take pictures I use the shotgun method which is to take lots of shots and not worry so much at the time and you are bound to get a few good shots out of the batch. For yesterday's photos of the riders coming by us fast I would say we used the lode mining method. Lode mining is basically taking lots of rock out of a mountain and then processing it to find gold. I don't remember the exact payout but a decent gold mine can get 1 ounce of gold out of every 1 to 2 tons of rock it processes. Just like out photos yesterday. :-) We took somewhere in the neighborhood of 400 photos and ended up with 31 that we felt were good enough for public consumption. Apple's Aperture played a critical role because it was fast and easy to import the photos, rate them, add captions and credits, and upload them to smugmug. Do I get some advertising dollars for this?

Posted by troutm8 at February 22, 2007 10:57 AM