February 13, 2007

Pistol Brings A Sense Of Calm

Yesterday I read this article about two hunters that were attacked by a bear while moose hunting (actually cleaning a moose that they killed). Here is the money quote -> "As I pulled the revolver out, a sudden calm came over me, and I knew everything would be fine." Needless to say, Doug White got one lucky shot with his .44 into the chest of the bear when it was 10 feet away and charging at him. It dropped three feet away from his feet. If it were me I probably would have missed badly, but I think the sense of calm helped him pull off the shot when he needed to. So if a bear is charging you and you only get one shot visualize a game winning basketball shot, or a birdie put or better yet your shot hitting its mark. :-)

Posted by troutm8 at February 13, 2007 11:23 AM