February 01, 2007

Fun With Small Dogs

While Timber and her parents are out of town I'm taking care of her parents' two dogs, Toby and Fuzzy. Toby is nearly a perfect dog. He's getting old now, nearly 15 years old, so his hearing isn't so good, he has cataracts, and he walks kind of like those little toy store robotic dogs. But he doesn't get into trouble and he does the things you want him to do before you even have to say it. If there were a dog to clone it would be Toby. Fuzzy on the other hand, well, he means well. But he is a strange character, nothing like Toby. You can't trust Fuzzy to run free for a single moment. I've tried several times to let him run free in the house while watching him. I inevitably have to turn my attention to something else for a few seconds and when I focus my attention back to Fuzzy I find a pee pee spot. It is quite astonishing. Because of that I have to leash him to something at all times. He also barks incessently. When I get up in the morning and go downstairs with the dogs he barks to go outside. I let him, Toby, and Wookie out onto the patio while I get their food ready, and before I can even bring the food to them Fuzzy starts to bark. I'm not sure if it is because he wants to come inside or because he wants his food. At any rate I let them eat while I get ready for work, and before I can get back downstairs to walk them Fuzzy starts barking again. I think he doesnt' like being left alone or being bored and that is why he barks. But after I bring them inside and leash him up to something he barks even more. I know at some point soon my neighbors are going to show up with torches and pitch forks because that little dog barks so much. All I can really do is hold out until Timber and her parents' return. Timber if you're reading this come back soon!

Posted by troutm8 at February 1, 2007 06:15 PM