November 10, 2006

Fetal Position

Last weekend I went with Timber to do some shopping in lots of different places. I'm not a very big fan of shopping itself, I generally like to just get in, get my stuff, and get out (unless I'm going to Fry's, REI, or the Sportsman's Wharehouse). I do understand that when she is shopping the process is different and I try my best to accomodate that. But sometimes I just can't take it anymore. One of those occurences happened this past weekend. After what felt like 8 hours of shopping (probably more like 45 minutes) I went over to her and told her that I was going over to the corner of the store and was going to get in the fetal position and wait for her to get me before leaving. It really cracked her up. So for all you guys out there, when you can't take shopping with your lady anymore, just let her know that you are going to get in the fetal position and maybe she'll finish up sooner.

Posted by troutm8 at November 10, 2006 11:51 AM